Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Duke Sucks

I seriously do not like Duke. I can't. It would be like a sin. 

Tonight is the Maryland vs. Duke game playing at Comcast Center. Watching this game makes me miss college like no other. Getting a Duke ticket was not a given, so when you got it, it was a big deal. Then you go early and bundle up and sit in the cold for a couple hours so you can get in and get a good seat. 

Now I know Terp fans have a bad reputation for being a little vulgar, and sometimes it is true. Screaming F U J.J. so that it is heard on TV is a little much. But Maryland students'  love for their team, and hate for Duke is very strong. UMD students have cleaned up their act a little. **ok mabe not - if you watched the game you know what I am talking about**

One of the best parts about the Duke game is the signs that the students come up with. Some are just hilarious. 

Man I miss being in Comcast Center. I miss standing for the whole game, screaming till my throat hurt. I miss the energy in that place. It just isn't the same sitting on my couch. Maybe I will stand up and jump up and down screaming ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Maybe. 


I want to be in College Park right now! More than ever. WE BEAT DUKE!!!

Maryland is tied with Duke for #1 in the ACC. :-D Nice.

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