Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So tonight was the season premier of Lost. I was SO VERY EXCITED. We were having a party. We were going to have
Dharma Beer

Dharma Crips

And Dharam Cake 


But Mother Nature wanted to have her own party. She is currently dumping 3-6 inches of snow on us. Now I have to admit that all the other times we got a lot of snow it was on a Saturday and I was able to hang out at home and it didn't interfere with anything. But this time, of all times, it ruins my LOST party. We were supposed to go into DC to our friends, but we decided to stay in and not drive in the snow. It is realllly pretty out there, but dang it! Now I have a whole cake to eat on my own. BOOOO


Those are horrible pics from outside, but it was dark and I couldn't get a good pic (granted I was outside in shorts and a tee shirt and no shoes so I didn't try to long - hmm dumb) 

***UPDATE*** More snow pics - 1ish hour later (this time from inside the apartment) I really wish you could see how beautiful the snow is. I will try to take a pic in the am. It is really prettty

Ok off to have a piece of my Dharma cake. Friends, tomorrow when the snow melts, please come eat some cake and talk LOST with me. :-D


  1. Aww, sorry about your party:( Your pics are beautiful though.

  2. frigging snow. we got literally 2 feet of snow on Friday so I understand how you feel.

    On the up side...
    #1 your cake turned out awesome!
    #2 did you guys make the labels for the dharma food yourselves or buy it somewhere? if you made them, they too look awesome!
    #3 I totally didn't know LOST was going to be 2 hours last night, and was so happy when I found that out. But then so sad when the 2 hours were over. I'm not sure how we are going to make it week-to-week either!!

    And please send me a big piece of cake - i'd be happy to take it off your hands! :)

  3. HI some people hate snow cause its too cold and some other love it cause they can do snow balls fight so there are the to versions ,
