Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time, Love and Tenderness

I have been missing the little bro a lot lately. Probably because I haven't talked to him in a long time. Anyway, since I miss him so much I think I should embarrass him a little. 

Makes sense right?

Well, I was watching Dancing with the Stars and Michael Bolton is on it. 

Back when Austin was 2ish with curly hair he used to sit in his high chair and rock out to some Michael Bolton's Time Love and Tenderness. (if you can actually rock out to Michael Bolton) It was hilarious. But mostly because this little 2 year old knew every word to that song! 

Haha so I searched YouTube and found the song and listened to it, smiling thinking about how silly that kid was.

If I had a video of it on the computer I would totally post it, but since it is on VHS and not digital right now I can't. 


Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Disney

I love you. I really do. I don't care what people say, I love you.

I love the parks so much. I love the resorts.

But most of all I love the movies. But only the old classics (and Pixar ones).

My number 1 all time favorite movie is The Little Mermaid.  It is my childhood. If it had little mermaid on it, I owned it. My lunch box, sheets, pillow, dolls everything. I watched the movie at least once a day.

I own all the VHS of the classic movies (actually my parents do, but same thing)

The thing is - I don't own a VHS player anymore.

Disney's one down fall is that I can't just go to the store and buy the Blu-ray of my favorite movies. Disney only releases them every few years for only a few months.

So I don't own The Little Mermaid. :( I didn't buy it when it was released last time (not sure why actually- FAIL)

Now, Oct 5 Beauty and the Beast comes out on Blu-ray. I need to buy it, that is probably my 3rd favorite Disney movie. So if anyone wants to give me a birthday present I won't complain. I am going to start buying the classics. For myself, but most importantly for when I have kids. One day I will have kidders to watch these movies and I hope they make them as happy as they made me. I am very anti Hannah Montana and all that new Disney crap. So I will show my kids the classic Disney. I can't wait. I can't wait til I have a reason to watch Little Mermaid every day again.

So my favorites:

1- Little Mermaid
2- Aladdin
3-Beauty and the Beast
5-Lion King
6-101 Dalmatians
7-The Rescuers
10-Lady and the Tramp

I love all the others too, Snow White, Peter Pan etc. But those are for sure favorites. Disney/Pixar movies are also great!

So Disney - do me a favor. Release all the movies soon so I can start my collection as an adult! :-D Thanks.

What are your favorite movies from your childhood?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Love this

Want to see some amazing talent?

Maria at personalized sketches and sentiments does beautiful work. Her talent is so unique and it blows my mind how amazing her work is! She really has a gift!

I really wanted to get some of her prints as gifts and now she is giving away some of her prints in celebration of her 100th post!

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win one of her pictures.

Please check her out.

5 Question Friday with Mama M

I have decided to link  up with Mama M and let you learn 5 random things about me. Excited? Should be :-D

1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
Well I remember 2 distinct nightmares from my childhood. One was a reoccurring dream I had every 4th of July. We used to live about 45 mins outside of Atlanta and my dad would run the Peachtree road race. I don't think I ever went to watch him, but I had a dream where I was there watching him and Godzilla started chasing me around Atlanta. I ran around trying to find my dad among all the runners. It was really scary and I had it every year for a few years. 

When I was little I used to wake up every night and end up in my parents bed. I run a marathon in my sleep and also channel my inner fish so I am sure my parents loved when I  shimmied my way into the middle of their double bed. My dad trying to break the habbit I had formed was super mean and only let me sleep on the floor beside the bed. So after a day spent at the lake with friends fishing, I of course have a dream about fish that freaks me out. I head to their room and was told to get my pillow and blanket and hit the floor. I did, but then I had a nightmare that the fish were under the bed and trying to get me. 

Why these two VERY random dreams still stick out in my memory I will never ever understand but I remember them very clearly. Weird.

2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to play/watch?
I used to play softball and I really liked it. But that was a long, long time ago. Now I am a spectator.

I love Maryland Basketball and Football (even tho they like to break my heart)
I also love the Redskins.
I enjoy going to Orioles games, but I don't typically make sure I watch a lot of games.
I don't really follow NBA, but I do watch a lot of Miami Heat games when they are on, and my guess is with the new additions to the team they will be on a lot. 

3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc.)?
Hats. I see all these people with cute hats and I want that. But I put one on and I look absolutely ridiculous. I also wish I could pull off funky jewelry. 

4. Did you make good grades in school?
I made As and Bs in high school. Bs in math because I suck at it. I never studied. I just got it. Then I went to college. Freshman year sure shocked me! I had to **GASP** study! I had no clue what I was getting into, and my grades showed it. I bounced back, but the damage was done and it makes me sad I didn't go into it expecting to work MUCH harder.

5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Runners World and Cosmo. I am not sure why I still get Cosmo. I hardly even read it. I am not renewing next time and I am getting Food Network or something else foody. 

So there you have it. 5 random things you were dying to know about me. :-D Admit it, you were. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half Marathon

I gave a rundown of the race over on my running blog - but I thought I would give you a little picture tour of the weekend.
Despite it being at Virginia Beach – I never even put on a bathing suit. I did go to the beach Sunday after the race, but I was still so hot and tired that I didn’t feel like laying in the sun. I sat on my towel and talked with friends and then walked along the water for a little bit until I got ants in my pants to go do something else.
The only pictures from the Expo I have are of the Brooks carnival.  They were doing an explanation of the new gel gunk stuff in their shoes. I also tried to win a pair of shoes by tossing a ball into a shoe – I didn’t win. :(
No trip to the beach is complete without mini golf. This was the most fun course I have played in a long time. (my 2 holes in one may or may not have anything to do with that :-D )
Eeek  - Game time!
Running through the nice shaded area
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Finish Certificate     IMG_4798
R.E.O. Speedwagon :D
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The coolest medal - so glad this one was my first!!!

So much fun! I am so glad I trained hard and did it! Next time I will do it faster :-D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I did it!

Sorry CM, I didn't mean to leave everyone hanging!

I got home last night and I haven't had a chance to put up pics and write my recap.

I wrote a lot of my post in my head while I was running the half.

But I did it. I finished it!

It was hard! But I had a blast!

I will tell more later! Thanks for the well wishes!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Bucket List

I added a new tab to my blog - My Bucket List.

Last year on my 25th birthday I wrote out a list of things I wanted to do during my life.

These things have been swirling around in my head and I finally put them to paper.

A lot of the things on it revolve around traveling. Growing up we spent our vacations traveling to see our grandparents, and going to the beach. I wouldn't have changed that for anything, but I want to see the world. One day I will, maybe not until I am older and my kids are off on their own, but one day I will do the things I have always wanted.

Other things are just personal things I would like to experience.

Like running a half marathon. I enjoy running. I have enjoyed training (until the last month or so) and on Sunday I will cross the first thing off my bucket list. Sunday I am running the Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half Marathon.
I am 100% excited and I am about 25% nervous. 125% of emotions has me sleeping horribly and unable to focus on packing tonight.

However, next time I blog I will have added a date to the bucket list and crossed the first thing off! I can't wait.

Now if only Hurricane Earl stays out of the way! But he is welcome to come now and cool things off a little, just be gentle with Va Beach Earl!

AHHHHH gotta pack! So excited. (and scared)