My mom is adorable. She has been trying so hard to get up to speed with technology. She is doing quite well too! She now texts, facebooks (a little too well sometimes – STALKER!) and emails.
Her emails are my favorite though. When I email I hardly ever put a subject unless it is to someone I don’t know well. I never write a greeting. I guess I am rude. Probably. Whatever, usually its just a quick question or thought.
My mom’s emails are the best, very formal and cute.
Love it.
Dear mom, I love you!
Love, Angela
I got this subtle (or not so much) hint from her the other day that I should stop slacking at blogging.
Point taken (but really mom, my writing is rambling
So Sunday I plan to run another half marathon. The Marine Corps Half, and I was hoping to go sub two hours.
My body has other ideas about this, and I am not sure it is going to happen. I am going to try, but my knee/IT band hasn’t been cooperating during training, so I don’t feel I am trained enough to go sub 2, in heat and hills, but we shall see. Maybe a fire will be lit under my butt/feet and I will kick some major ASSphalt.
I broke in my PINK shoes on a run this weekend This seriously makes me so happy. Don't judge me!
My good friend Heather got married a few weeks ago. I was asked to do a reading, and I was so nervous!! I don’t like public speaking. It was really cold the day of the wedding, and my dress was more summery, so between the nerves and the cold, my leg started to shake while reading. But I think most didn’t notice. The wedding was awesome! So fun and great to see two friends married.
Loved her cake
Little bro looking sharp – in an ensemble he assembled from dad’s closet.
I love that picture of Heather… she is so quiet normally, it was great to see her excitement that she was married!!
Mom and Austin getting down!
I dared Austin to Party Boy dad – Austin didn’t think dad would dance back… he did!!! (p.s. that link might be disturbing and not safe for work as it has the dude from Jack@$$ in a thong. Be warned)
Austin caught the garter, the funny part was he didn’t know he had to put it on the girl who caught the bouquet (who was almost me for the record – shew dodged that awkward moment)
My bestest was up for the wedding too, so seeing her was the best!
Her nephew is my boyfriend, he kept tackling me and giving me hugs. Love that kid.
Aubrey and I decided to show Owen how to do airplane. Awesome! Except, I don’t have abs, so OUCH!!
So that’s life lately. I have a couple more things to share soon! Sit tight! School starts again soon, so I better get them posted soon right?!
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