Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How is it JUNE?!

Seriously?! HOW!

Ok - technically right now it is still May, but in 1.5 hours it is June.

Wasn't it just freezing cold? (not that I miss it!)

Anyway, class officially started today!

We returned home from a great visit to NC with Matt's family (pics and a post to come once they get posted on FB and I can steal them - with 2 other cameras being handed over at every photo op, I decided to just steal theirs) Did lots of fun things, hiking, tennis, and of course yummy food! Though I never found boiled peanuts :(

Friday is NKOTBSB! I may have started our 8 hour trip to NC blasting the CD. YUP!!

My good friend is getting married in 2 weeks!

Lots of fun things on the books.

Mostly work, homework, and working out (I guess my life is just WORK!)

Be back soon with sweet NC mountain pics

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Going to get my learn on

I am trying not to panic.

My class opened today. It doesn't start until next Tuesday.

I put the girls down for nap, cleaned up lunch and some other things and sat down to read the assigned chapter.

35 mins later I woke up.

This can't be a good way to start.

Someone please tell me it will be ok and I will somehow not sleep every time I need to read one of the 3-4 chapters due that week.

And now I think I hear thumping upstairs (meaning there is an awake little girl) nap time is over any second.

I can do this. I can do this. I can.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What’s new?

I have a lot to report…. lets see…

I spend $330 on books. 3 books. 3 USED books.

Its bull crap.

In my next life (ok I don’t really believe in that, but if I did) I am coming back as a college textbooks retailer and I will make bank stealing from poor college students and their parents.

IMG_20110511_193758  IMG_20110511_193811

School is starting in 2 weeks 6 days. I leave in 2 weeks for NC. I start class the day after we get back.

I want my life organized and clean before then so I have one less thing to stress me out.

When I get stressed I make lists…. this is what nap time today got me


That would be a cleaning schedule, a cleaning calendar so Matt can help me. If we do 1-3 things a day it seems much more manageable than a whole day cleaning.

Also, I don’t really care too much about cleaning. I don’t want to live in filth, but I don’t care to spend all my time cleaning.  Sorry mom.


Basically, get my crap in order so after NC my place is clean and I can focus on school.


I have been slowly scanning old pictures from my baby albums. The 3 white ones are mine, the blue one is my brother’s (he has another one at my parents, I will get it when I finish those)

I have been posting them on FB- its so fun to see my family in the 80s.

Want to see?  Here you go: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10100319790294538.2729325.5701926&l=c5d789bef7

Somehow the SD reader on my computer broke… this makes blogging even harder. I have to put them on matt’s computer and then send them to myself and then save them here. So annoying. Seriously, I am already a slacking blogger, now I have 3-5 extra steps to blog. LAME

I totally ran around my apartment with my cell phone to get pics for this post.

That’s all for now, off to check another box off my list :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

Still Processing

As the news unfolded last night I went through a lot of different emotions.

First, I was panicked. They interrupted tv at 10:20pm on a Sunday night to tell us that the President has something important to say concerning our national security. I immediately start thinking there is a threat, and got really scared because I live so close to DC.

Then as we waited for the official word, the news outlets started breaking the story that Osama had be killed.

So that's good right? He can't hurt us anymore. (Even though he isn't the only person out there that hates America)

Then I watch the people celebrating. That's when I started to get really confused.

Yes, this is huge for America. The person who caused so much pain and death to innocent people has now been brought to justice. But throwing a huge party in front of the White House? It just seemed to me to be something that they would do and something they did do on 9/11.

I battled with it all day today (and honestly all night as I never really settled into a good night sleep from all of the events of the night)

Then tonight I saw someone's Facebook status with this quote:

‎"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the in the death of one, not even an enemy" - Martin Luther King Jr

And there we have it. Exactly my feelings, put so beautifully from a person who only dreamed of peace.

So tonight I decide that I will be thankful for all of those who on a daily basis make sure that we are safe in America. For those people who spent almost 10 years never giving up hope that they will find the person who caused so much pain around the world. I am thankful for those Navy Seals who acted so bravely and took care of a huge threat on our national security. I am thankful for a President who makes hard decisions on a daily basis. I am thankful that I am free and safe. We can't bring back the the brave people that lost their lives. We can only remember that they gave their lives for protecting our way of life. And for that God Bless them.

I don't know, I am still figuring it out. Of course I am not at all , in anyway supporting the actions of Osama and his Al Qaida supporters.