Saturday, January 1, 2011


I Hope that the first morning of 2011 finds you happy and healthy! I spent last night with good friends at a small party. I totally ran off at one point to watch New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys perform on ABC and had a little dance party alone in my friend's room, while the rest of the party sat and made fun of their attempt to come back. It is OK. I have no shame. :-D

I know I haven't updated about Christmas, but lets just say that all the Santas in my life did very well!! Remember the post where I listed everything I wanted? Well I got 50% of that list! Including one super surprise!!

Matt surprised me with my Garmin!!! I was shocked! Best present ever! I also got NKOTBSB tickets. Can't wait for June! I also can't wait to torture my mom with this concert!

The girls and my grandmother both got me a stock pot! Score! (I never knew people pay attention to my ramblings :-D)  I am returning the one from my grandmother and getting some other kitchen gadget. Maybe a nice grill pan or something. Haven't decided. 

My brother also went on a hunt to find me the glass bowl for my kitchen aid. But I guess everyone else put them on their list (and their family did the shopping before Christmas Eve!) so I have a gift card for the amount, and I requested Bed Bath and Beyond email me when they are in stock! 

I got Epic Mickey too! I have only played it once, because we have been so busy, but life slows down a bit now so I expect to be really good soon (HA! It is hard!)

We did our normal Christmas eve routine. Church then Waffle House. A few friends joined our family and we spent the time laughing and telling stories. Always a good time. Christmas was really good. Spending the day with family. It of course had the normal hilarious moments lots of joking around. Food was amazing as it always is. My Mema always cooks the best food and then I snacked on Grandmother's leftovers for dinner! I gained about 40 pounds that day! Good thing I was excited to run the next day!

So today starts 2011, and a time for everyone to make resolutions to go to the gym more, and really frustrate me when it comes to running after work! I have not been good at resolutions and keeping them.

This year I will set goals. Goals feel like less pressure.

  • Run a 5k and PR in it 
  • Run my first 10k
  • Run my first 10 miler and at a pace no slower than 10min miles
  • Run another half marathon and PR
  • Run outside more
  • Do yoga 1x a week
  • Get over my fear and try a Zumba class
  • Do some form of strength work 1x a week
  • Take vitamins daily
  • Drink water at restaurants 
  • 1 vegetable and 1 fruit with dinner daily
  • Healthier snacking
  • Only drinking diet soda ( which means I won't order soda out at restaurants because I only like diet sunkist , diet mt dew and diet A&W rootbeer)
  • Fold the clothes the day I wash them (or if I put them in the dryer before I go to bed - right away the next day) and put them away
  • Clean up dinner dishes before bed
  • Eat dinner at dinner table (which means keeping it free of clutter!!)
  • Keep the clutter under control! No more piles!
The list looks pretty long, and I know some of it will be pretty hard. I really want to keep the house cleaner. I tend to let piles of stuff build up. Hopefully I can report in 12 months that I met a lot of these goals


  1. That's why we have 365 days in a year, to give us time to do everything one your list of to do's. Good luck Angela. I know you can do them all.
    Thank you for stopping by. Take care and God Bless!!!

  2. It might be a long list but you can totally do it!

    I like your book list, I saw a few Jane Austen books there - have you read any of her stuff? I love Jane Austen, once you get used to the language, the books are really very funny and witty and aren't really very romantic or gushy like i thought they would be.

    Good luck on your goals!! :)
