Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My “little” Brother

My relationship with my brother has always been a roller coaster. I didn’t want a brother. I think I cried when they told me it wasn’t a girl. 

Then he came, and he was my baby. My little doll. IMG_0023

Then he started walking and touching my toys and that was enough of that. I was over him.IMG_0004IMG_0005

Then he started playing along with me, I would be the teacher and he would do what I said. He would be the baby and I would be the mommy. That worked.


Then I became a tween and having your little brother in your room is NOT COOL! Plus he touched things!IMG_0007IMG_0005IMG_0013

When I was in high school I was just his ride to school when he missed the bus (which was all the time) and don’t even get me started on babysitting him. I am pretty sure I spent more time on the phone paging my dad (haha paging!) to get him to yell at Austin.

pig roast and austin grad 070pig roast and austin grad 071

Then I went to college the first two years, when I came home we would hang out, like friends.  It as amazing. But then due to personal problems, I pulled away.

I didn’t like the person he became, and had a lot of anger towards him.

One day he told me he was joining the Marine Corps and changing his life. I was hopeful, but scared to get my hopes up.

He left for boot camp and while it was some of the hardest months for me, I was so proud.  Graduation day was seriously the best day of my life. I was so incredibly proud of my little brother and the person he was becoming.



Today we are great friends. I miss him when I don’t see him. We try to hang out when I am home and try to do fun things like concerts and games when we can.



He always makes me laugh- seriously, this kid is the funniest person I know. He gives me hugs when I am sad. He has helped me through a lot this past year. n5701926_30502896_7370IMG_5372


Today is his birthday! I love him more today than yesterday. I am so proud of everything he does. I am proud that he is a Marine, I am proud that he is going to school, but mostly I am proud that I am his sister.

I love you Austin Lee “QB” Eubanks!


Monday, April 16, 2012


I have been sucking at blogging (shocker)

I have been working my butt off at school.

I have been running a lot.

Two weeks ago I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. I really do like this race, but this year there were no Cherry blossoms!! I also was hunting a PR so I have no pictures! Except of my bib and medal.IMG_20120416_211534


I need to get a better way to display these… its getting a little full Open-mouthed smile

I ran it in 2011 in 1:59:18. SLOW

This year I ran it in 1:43:35!  Loving that I am PRing everything – but I guess when everything is so slow, its easy to do!!

Speaking of PRing. My running coach, Kelly, and I have decided I am going to try and Sub 2 hour a half marathon. I picked the Marine Corps half marathon that is about a month away… hoping I can do this!!

I ran 12 miles last weekend around a VERY hilly neighborhood. I need to keep doing that and run a little faster.

My short runs are all pretty fast, but I need to keep going faster.

This weekend I am running another 10 miler, but I am not after a PR, just running with a friend and taking in the pretty route!

In other running news, I ordered new running shoes. Same shoes I always wear, except the best upgrade ever! They come in PINK. Holy heck! So happy!!!!!! When I bought my shoes I promised myself I would buy what was best for my running and not what was cute. Finally after 2 years, the two have merged!!

They came today!! I can’t wait till I have to wear them! I will be running Marine Corp Marathon in pink shoes. Seriously makes me much more happy than it should. I am odd. IMG_20120416_161652

I am officially half way to my first masters degree and one third to completing my dual degree program!! This past semester was hard. The classes were hard, the work was HARD, I was juggling running and some exciting additions to my social life. My weekends are a lot busier than they used to be.

I am glad I get a little break. I will be reading Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Watching the shows I have neglected on my DVR and running. 

Life is good these days. Really very good. Open-mouthed smile